

The aim of majorincidentreporting.net is to provide an open access template that focuses on reporting medical management in the pre-hospital phase of major incident responses. The webpage will disseminate knowledge from major incidents with the overall goal to improve future medical response to major incidents.

Open access

All reports submitted to majorincidentreporting.net are published as open access files on the webpage. An annual summary of the reports will be published in Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine. In agreement with the editors of the journal and editors of the reports some reports may be published in full-text.

Article-processing charges

There will be no processing charge for publication of reports on major incidents on the site majorincidentreporting.net

Why publish your report on majorincidentreporting.net?

By using the template and contributing to creating an open access global database for reporting major incidents, an effort is made towards improving the outcome of disasters and major incidents. The template is the first global open access database for major incidents and will provide material and information for further studies within the field. The achievement of a uniform reporting system after major incidents is crucial in order to facilitate comparative analysis. The resulting data can be used to identify flaws and improve future responses. In light of this, we encourage everyone who’s directly involved in the response and management of major incidents to make use of the provided form and publish their reports on this webpage.

Publication process

The publication process is described in workflow available here

Editorial team

Endorsing societies

Letter of support